Thursday, January 31, 2008

The future is cancelled due to economic uncertainty

I travelled all the way across Canada to attend the best school for photojournalism in the country. You know that already. Well, you know it if you've read this blog before.

As I went through the first year of photojournalism, it became obvious job prospects were few, and graduating photojournalists were many.

I had a chat with my Venerated Writing for Photojournalists Instructor (He insisted we call him that. It was either that or he got to call us maggots.) Scott Whalen about what kind of education I should pursue beyond photojournalism so I could be employed and feed myself.

He suggested I speak with Rob Washburn about the ejournalism program.

I chatted with Rob about the program. He told me that in his program I would get to do journalism with computers! What more could a journalist geek ask for?

He also told me about industry trends, which are focussed more and more on online products, convergence of presentation and why this is important for the future of journalism.

He considered my previous experience and accepted me into ejournalism with one year of photojournalism under my belt.

As much as I enjoyed photojournalism and I believe I made a good choice to come here for the photojournalism program, the ejournalism program is where I belong.

The ejournalism is where a number of people belong, but they may not get the chance because, this week Loyalist College has cancelled the program.

Media of every stripe are driving their audiences to their online products. The current writers' strike in America is about who gets what share of the profit of online content. For once in my life I am at the leading edge of a trend.

And the Loyalist College administration cut the program.

The program has been undersubscribed, but there is no other program like it in Canada.

And Loyalist College does not see the future.

I will graduate, but my class may be the last.

Loyalist College has the opportunity to have the best photojournalist program in the country down the hall from the only ejournalism program in the country and they are squandering the opportunity to be at the leading edge of a major trend.

I'm sure the administration will be able to explain why it makes sense to cut an undersubscribed program.

But they're wrong.

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