Monday, July 07, 2008

A Boy and His Blog

Dear Gentle Reader, as you are well aware this blog is called "A Boy and His Blog".

As you may guess, that wasn't my exclusive point, because there's a lot more writing below.

The name for this blog came from the former name of my web site "A Boy and His Web Page".

I also liked the name "A Boy and His Blog" because it reminded me slightly of the phrase "a boy and his dog".

I was pleasantly surprised, when I created my blogger account, "A Boy and His Blog" wasn't already taken.

So, the other day, I did a Google search for "A Boy and His Blog", and to my shock, and possibly a little bit of horror, there is another blog by the same name.

Actually, there are several.

Then I decided to look up "a boy and his dog", to see if I could find a likely source for that phrase.

I found two movies and a short story.

The short story, by Harlan Ellison, was made into a to disturbing 1975 movie starring Don Johnson.

Oddly, I don't find the words " disturbing" "Don Johnson" and "movie" redundant at all.

I really like Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.

I have it on DVD.

The Ellison short story may have had an influence in the creation of Mad Max, so it may even have some redeeming qualities.

The other movie won an an Academy Award in 1947 for Live Action Short Film.

Related Links
A Boy and His Blog - Waxing Poetic About Music & Culture Since 2005
A music review blog by Montreal resident Justin Sheppard. The blog was active from November 2005 to March 2006.

A Boy and His Blog
This has become the blog Pantsfreesia. I guess that would make it the blog formerly known as A Boy and His Blog.

This is the blog of an American woman (bikini) who writes about her life with her husband (brief) and two children (boxer and bloomer).

A Boy and His Blog - Ca y est : je me suis laissé tenter par les blogs et j'ouvre aujourd'hui mon blog perso. Comme je le fais depuis le boulot, ça va pas être facile. Mais faut bien débuter, non? Pour ce qui concerne le contenu, reste à déterminer! Je vous dis donc à bientôt et BIENVENUE sur A BOY AND HIS BLOG*

I am curious, why would you give a French language blog a name in English?

You'd think this could only happen in Canada, and you'd be right.

A Boy and His Blog
Sir Bissel, a Michigan native now blogging about his life, and anything that amuses him in Baton Rouge, LA.

A Boy and His Blog
This is the blog of Mr. Teapot, a father, teacher and role playing gamer. He may be a bigger geek than me. Oh, no, wait, he's married with children, that makes me the bigger geek.

A Boy and His Blog

y0_diggity is an American father of two, maybe three by now, blogging about gaming and faith.

A Boy and His Dog
- 1975 movie [Wikipedia]

A Boy and His Dog - 1946 movie [Wikipedia]

A Boy and His Dog - short story [Wikipedia]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You missed "A Boy and his Blob", the NES game from the late 1980s.