Two had to resign because of drug use (Who thinks driving while on acid is a GOOD idea?), and one went skinny dipping in front of teenagers (In parts of Europe this probably wouldn't have been an issue).
Okay, some people used some poor judgement, got caught and stepped down.
Then there's this:
Palin abused power, probe findsYeah, you read that right.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is guilty of abuse of power, according to a probe by the state legislature.
The Republican vice-presidential candidate was accused of sacking a senior state official, Walter Monegan, in connection with a family feud.
The report said a family grudge was a likely factor in the dismissal.From the BBC
Which brings us to the word "vetting".
Before a major party allows a candidate to run under their banner, there is some sort of vetting process.
This may be done publicly, in the form of the seemingly endless American primaries, or privately when a party acclaims a candidate, as in the case of Palin.
But, while the NDP may not have done due diligence selecting candidates in smaller ridings, where they may simply have been happy to have a warm body willing to run, selecting a candidate for the second most powerful position in a country should be different.
Or, the most powerful position, depending on what you think of the Bush/Cheney relationship.
And so I reiterate: "Come on, seriously, Palin?"
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