Tuesday, December 02, 2008

On the other hand...

I'm only 5'11", but I'm a big man.

In a recent blog post I implied left of centre political actors had no understanding of how to effectively communicate their message.

I may have further implied they may not even have a coherent plan to get their message out.

Um, I may have mis-blog posted.

A small man would have simply deleted a post which would have made him look silly, but not me!

I hope I can get a job in media soon!

Related Links
Forming an Alternative Government [Liberal Party of Canada]
Alternative government will put economy first [Liberal Party of Canada]
62% Majority [New Democratic Party of Canada]
Canadians for a Progressive Coalition [Appears to be a grass roots group, created by Kyle Artelle and Jamie Biggar. Site ownership is unclear]
Make Parliament Work [Site ownership is unclear]

Related Video (reinforcing the assertion left of centre political activists understand how to get a message out)

Leftist Talking Points:
Forming an alternative government [source]
• Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion, New Democrat Leader Jack Layton and Bloc Québécois
Leader Gilles Duceppe today announced that an agreement has been reached among the
three opposition parties to support a cooperative government to address the impact of the
global economic crisis on Canadians.
• The Bloc Québécois has agreed to support this government for a period of 18 months.

• Since the recent federal election, it has become clear that the government headed by
Stephen Harper has no plan, no competence and no will to effectively address this crisis.
• In light of the critical situation facing our citizens, and the Harper government’s unwillingness
and inability to address the crisis, we are ready to form a new government that will address
the best interests of the people, instead of plunging Canadians into another election.
• Under Canada’s Constitution, it is the Governor General’s responsibility to inquire whether an
alternative government could be formed that would have the confidence of the House of
• Mr. Dion has informed Governor General Michaëlle Jean of the agreement. Given the
significant economic challenges facing our citizens, and that the last federal election was held
less than two months ago, he has called on her to exercise her constitutional authority and
call on himself as Leader of the Official Opposition to form a new collaborative government
supported by the other two opposition parties.
• The Liberal Party is united in its effort to put the interests of Canadians first, and we will work
towards the introduction of the economic plan that Canada needs.
• The Prime Minister will be Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion.
• The Minister of Finance will be appointed from the Liberal caucus.
• The cabinet will be composed of 24 ministers plus the Prime Minister. Eighteen of these
ministers will be appointed from within the Liberal caucus. Six of these ministers will be
appointed from within the NDP caucus, plus six Parliamentary Secretaries, sworn in as Privy
Councillors, will also be named from the NDP caucus. In the event the Prime Minister
chooses to appoint a larger cabinet, the NDP proportion will be maintained.
• The Liberals and NDP will work together on a “no surprises” basis and the government will
put in place a permanent consultation mechanism with the Bloc Québécois.
• The top priority of the new Government is an economic stimulus package designed to boost
the domestic economy including:
• Accelerating existing infrastructure funding and substantial new investments,
including municipal and inter-provincial projects (such as transit, clean energy, water,
corridors and gateways). This would certainly include addressing the urgent
infrastructure needs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit;
• Housing construction and retrofitting; and
• Investing in key sector strategies (like manufacturing, forestry and automotive)
designed to create and save jobs, with any aid contingent on a plan to transform
these industries and return them to profitability and sustainability.

Alternative government will put economy first [source]
• Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion, New Democrat Leader Jack Layton and Bloc Québécois
Leader Gilles Duceppe have agreed to form a cooperative government to address the impact
of the global economic crisis on Canadians. The NDP will support this agreement until June
30, 2011.
• The Bloc Québécois has agreed to support this government until June 30, 2010.

• The Liberals are putting partisan politics aside and working with the other parties to create a
plan to put our economy and Canadians first.
• Prime Minister Stephen Harper has no plan to effectively address this crisis. His
government’s bad management of the economy has plunged our country into deficit without
offering any economic stimulus. Now he is stalling for time and changing policy positions on a
daily basis.
• How can Canadians trust this government to get our economy back on track when it’s all over
the map?
• The Conservatives just don’t get it. The issue is and always has been about the economy.
• Canadians don’t want another election. We are ready to form a new government that will put
our economy and Canadians first.

• Mr. Dion has informed Governor General Michaëlle Jean of the agreement between our
• Given the significant economic challenges facing our citizens, and that the last federal
election was held less than two months ago, he has called on her to exercise her
constitutional authority and call on himself as Leader of the Official Opposition to form a new
collaborative government supported by the other two opposition parties at her first
• A new Liberal-led government will help get our economy back on track by:
• getting much-needed infrastructure funding (such as transit, clean energy, water,
corridors and gateways) into the hands of cities and communities as soon as
• Investing in the manufacturing, forestry and automotive sectors to create and save
jobs and ensuring that these industries have a plan to be successful in the 21st
century economy;
• Eliminating the two-week waiting period for employment insurance and guaranteeing
that all revenue from EI premiums go to providing benefits and training for workers;
• Ensuring that Canadian workers learn the skills needed to keep pace with the rapidly
changing economy;
• Lowering the minimum required RRIF withdrawal for seniors for 2008 by 50 per cent
to help them protect their life savings;
• Implementing an income support program for older workers who have lost their jobs
in order to help them make the transition from work to receiving retirement benefits;
• Supporting the Canadian Wheat Board and Supply Management to help Canadian
farmers get a better price for their crops;
• Cancelling the Conservatives’ cuts to the arts and cultural industries which provide
jobs for approximately 1.1 million Canadians; and
• Pursuing other common goals such as immigration reform, a cap-and-trade system, a
North American cap-and-trade market with absolute emission targets and improved
child benefits and an early learning and childcare program.

Bonus Video

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