I think the transit system here works better than the existing transit system in Vancouver. I'm not sure that I could have done as much toursit stuff in one day on the transit system in Vancouver as I did in Toronto. Yesterday, I went to the Danforth Avenue Greek festival (lots and lots of food, lots and lots of people, surprisingly good weather), the Royal Ontario Museum (great displays which give historical context to the stuff you're looking at) and the Queen's Quay, where there was some sort of festival happening which included more food and street performers.
While I was down at the Quay I was thinking how much it reminded me of Vancouver around False Creek and the old Expo site. Then I looked at who the developer is: Concord Pacific. They are literally trying to make the Toronto waterfront like the Vancouver waterfront. Good luck, because I have no idea where they will get the mountains from!
yeah, Toronto actually has a transit SYSTEM* ...Vancouver has a collection of buses and trains.
that's about the ONLY thing I miss about Toronto, I think. Oh, that and the jazz. And maybe the fashion/fabric district.
*(although when I lived there, the subway was still operating on archaic time schedules...like not starting until 9:30am on Sundays or something stupid like that)
Toronto has a great transit system, except that it's proprietory to Toronto. If you want to go a block north of Toronto, you have to pay another fare to another transit company (well...you'd probably walk, actually. But you get the picture).
But they do (at least they used to) have great deals for frequent riders. And no zones. I think my monthly bus pass used to cost me $60 or some ridiculous thing like that.
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