Okay, I admit, I don't get winter-in-other-parts-of-Canada thing.
I'm a Vancouverite at heart. I understand a month without sun and constant rain, that makes sense to me. That and over-priced coffee.
When I contemplated living through two winters in Ontario, I just assumed that Eastern people simply dealt with winter the way Vancouverites dealt with rain: you just go on with your life, after all if you stopped because it was raining, nothing would get done. I guess I just assumed there was a stoic toughness about the way Easterners dealt with the depth of winter's weather.
There's not.
It has been as low as -30 degrees Celsius (no, I have no idea what that is is Fahrenheit, look it up yourself) with the wind chill (that's been a new addition to my experience, I had heard of wind chill, but it's never been a real factor in determining how many layers of clothing I wore), and the news reports are all asking how soon it will end. I thought one lived here because one was impervious to winter.
There's so much I don't get about the East.
Well, a friendly , FYI, people here in Ontario, do not refer to themselves as "Easteners". People from the East Coast do. As in , anywhere East of Quebec. We here in South Eastern Ontario, are actually in Central Ontario, as would someone from Toronto would say. North is Northern , South of North Bay is Southern, and we are a bit East of that.....but truely South Eastern Ontario! Ha Ha Ha ! As If that was not confusing enough! Summing up ....You ARE East of where you started.....but West ..of the True Eastener!!!!xoxo
....Oh yes, I almost forgot..Most people who live in South Eastern Ontario....be from here or not ...own a pair of thermo rated sub zero , warm and cozy , a bit clunky.....boots. xoxo
Cathi's right, Tony...
you need to get yourself some STYLIN' Sorels...remember those big clunky white boots I wore when I worked at Manning Park? I think you've laughed at them in the past...
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