Sunday, February 03, 2008

Is this what Kennedy was like?

Even if you can't support Barak Obama politically, I imagine this is the kind of inspiration John F. Kennedy was able to create.

I am concerned, though.

If he wins, what happens if for the myriad reasons that happen in real life and politics he can't.

Then what?

Clinton, Huckabee, McCain and Romney are talking about change, not hope, or inspiration, if they don't deliver, it's politics as usual. No one has invested their hopes, heart or soul in those campaigns.

Obama is inspiring people to hope. Some argue hope and very little else, but his currency is hope. And people are investing their hopes, heart or soul in his campaign.

People like of The Black Eyed Peas and Jesse Dylan, son Bob Dylan.

My minister, back home in New Westminster, says Obama is the real deal.

I hope she's right, but I'm too cynical and maybe too scared to believe.

In any event, enjoy the video and for a little while, at least, hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony!
Glad to hear you have survived yet another semester.

I had the extreme good fortune to attend the Obama rally in Seattle last weekend, and I have to say he is one charismatic individual, I even got a chance to shake his hand and he asked my opinion on the Canadian view of American politics, I suggested that Canada probably knows far more about U.S. politics than Americans know about ours, but we have a vested interest in what goes on down here, I told him Canadians are just as fed up with Bush as they are and wished him well in his campaign. I think he'll win over Hillary in a cakewalk.

He reminded me of JFK in many ways, he's made from the same cloth if you know what I mean.