Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The biggest non-event from 2004 is finally over. At last the horror ends.

The incident that gave us the phrase "wardrobe malfunction" has finally been settled.

Apparently the sight of that thing on Janet Jackson's nipple during the 2004 Super Bowl was more than some Americans thought they could tolerate.

On Monday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit overturned a $550,000 FCC fine levied on CBS for the brief exposure of Janet Jackson's nipple during the half-time show.

The court found the the fine was excessive considering Jackson's nipple was only briefly exposed.

Yeah, the worst thing on American television in 2004 was a briefly exposed nipple during a lame pop-music montage.

PS. When I was in school I did a blog post on the dissolution of CART, in which I made an allusion to anal sex.

My Beloved Instructor (He insisted we call him that, it was either that or he got to say "jack ass" every time after he told us to do something.) Rob suggested it was inappropriate because a potential employer may read the post and not appreciate anal sex jokes.

You know, as I write this I'm currently unemployed, may be Rob knew what he was talking about.

I hope the picture above doesn't cause any trouble.

Related Links
Nipplegate [Wikipedia]
Appeals court tosses FCC's Super Bowl 'wardrobe malfunction' fine against CBS [Canadian Press via Yahoo!]
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