Thursday, September 07, 2006

My First Assignment

I have done my first assignment! It's due on the twenty-first!

Uh, yeah, I'm a little excited. This must be what it's like to be my good friend Julie.

The BC government is giving me a loan, and I just watched the funniest video about what happens when you put Mento into diet Coke.

It's been a good day.


Anonymous said...

um, Tony? I wouldn't have done the assignment until the 19th. I work best under pressure.

Oh, and I'm bloody lazy. said...

Sorry, my mistake.

Does this make me the anti-Julie? If it does, how will we explain this to Jamie and Claire?

Anonymous said...

this is a majorly old vid I am suprised you havent seen it yet before then. said...

I guess I wasn't spending enough quality time on the internet at work.